30 October 2020

A neighbourhood walk around Hermitage Creek


The blue sky and sunshine are deceptive. It's 3c and colder days are just around the corner.

29 October 2020

Hiking at Winter River

It was only 6C but deep in the woods at Winter River we weren’t cold at all.

24 October 2020

Miscouche to Northam on The Confederation Trail

I managed to leave my GoPro mount at home so hand held filming produced some interesting results. Excuse the director’s occasional glimpses of the film maker! Another mild October day so I decided on the spur of the moment to drive to Miscouche and ride my bike westwards from there, picking up the Trail where I had left off last week. The Trail runs dead straight for the first 10 km and so was somewhat bland to ride. However on turning north the fall colours shone all around. A stiff wind caused the outward leg to take one hour fifteen minutes but nudged me back in just one hour.

18 October 2020

Kensington to Miscouche


Taking advantage of a sunny mid-October day I drove to Kensington and set off westwards on the Confederation Trail. This is a new section for me although I know the nearby roads well enough. The Trail follows Route 2 past the ubiquitous potato processing plants, smelling of oven-ready French fries until it dives across Route 2 and heads south west into Summerside.

After briefly reaching the harbour it veers inland again and takes a bee line through residential roads, cutting across junctions and making for an interesting ride. Leaving Summerside behind I pedaled further west and turned around eventually at Miscouche.

A strong southerly wind gave me a buffeting crosswind for both legs of the ride.

06 October 2020

Fredericton to Kinkora


Taking advantage of a bright blue October Sunday we took our bikes to Fredericton and picked up The Confederation Trail westwards. We rode to Kinkora and back and thereby completed the central and south eastern arms of the trail meaning we have cycled from the Bridge at Borden Carleton to as far as you can go south east on PEI, Murray Harbour - and back. The weather will soon compel us to stow or bikes for the winter but we will hatch plans for other adventures.