02 December 2020

Hiking from Route 10 to Borden-Carleton on The Confederation Trail

After yesterday’s rain we were treated to a bright sunny Sunday for our final cross-island hike in this series. We drove to yesterday’s finishing point and parked where route 10 crosses the trail. Within just twenty minutes we were strolling through the Bridge Park at Borden-Carleton and passing the Visitor Centre, plaques, information boards and all the other paraphernalia of a Provincial entry/exit point.
The wind was howling and several times I dashed back to retrieve my cap. With a fairly short hike for today, we had plenty of time to wander around and I photographed artefacts left over from the railway era. We climbed the stairs inside the model ferry and stood on the upper deck gazing out over a mercury-grey sea. Not surprisingly, with closure of the Atlantic Travel Bubble, traffic on the Confederation Bridge was very light.
We left the Bridge behind and walked back to the trail. Soon we were back at the car and congratulating ourselves on completing this long central stretch of the Confederation Trail, from Charlottetown to Borden-Carleton. We’ll come up with more adventures for next year!

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