25 December 2004

Virgo Character Assassination

Here is some gratuitous information about me. I am a virgo and I can tick every virgo trait in the book...
Antiseptically clean
Insufferably neat and tidy
Organised to an unsettling degree
Surgically precise
Stickler for accuracy
Unerringly punctual
Always right
Photographic memory
Obsessed by minor detail
Do things to excess
All or nothing, no half measures
Highly addictive
Research things endlessly
Hyper-critical of everyone and everything
Most critical of myself
Intolerant of others’ failings
Harbour a grudge forever
Almost impossible to get to know properly
Astoundingly loyal
Capable of extreme tenderness
Highly demanding
Judge a book by its cover
Often cautious
Worried and anxious
Incurably sentimental and romantic
Deeply nostalgic
Wear my heart on my sleeve
Low self-esteem
Compulsive collector
Compiler of comprehensive catalogues
Creature of habit


Perfect Virgo said...

Pat - fascinating that you should have more than half of them! You also picked the ones which I think people find most infuriating about Virgos. The "almost impossible to get to know" one is about having contradictory traits, I think. I know I would like to eliminte a few

Wow, so I'm not unique!!

Perfect Virgo said...

Pat - well we are both unique! "Stinging, petty and vengeful" might come under my 'harbour a grudge' heading? Very interesting about not responding immediately, I would do well to follow that code. I always feel ready for an immediate response, probably because the Virgo tendency is to prepare fully for any eventuality...

I'm afraid I am easily steam-rolled by bullies and wind up sulking in silence and licking my wounds. That's not a good trait either.

Anonymous said...

I did see this once and meant to come back and somment. It was during one of those hanging on times. I think Im still stuggling to get out of...funny how virgo and Libra have a lot of the same qualiies :)

Perfect Virgo said...

DG - we do have similar qualities. You are a little bit later than me then and I'm a late Virgo. I always knew from your posts, comments and e-mails that you would share a lot of my approach. Tough isn't it! :)

Perfect Virgo said...

Silvermoon - I know a Libran who was born 3 weeks overdue and they have classic Virgo traits too. So it might be linked to conception date rather than actual birth date?

With all this talk of astrology I don't want to sound like a white witch! In fact I have no interest in that whole sphere, purely in character traits.

My start date was Christmas Day I seem to remember. What fun I must have been having!! An interesting coincidence though, these similarities are strangely comforting.

Anonymous said...


Perfect Virgo said...

Jane - hmmm indeed. This list is actually quite horrible now I look at it again. I would never have anything to do with someone who displays these extreme traits - easy to see why some virgos turn out tobe rather unpleasant. I am hoping you will beg to differ there!

Anonymous said...

My how you've changed!


Perfect Virgo said...

Bern - actually I can still see all those traits in me. Some are closer to the surface than others. A few are unpleasant so I hide them in polite company.