21 February 2020

Embracing the Selfie-Stick

When these hit the streets a few years ago I scoffed but now I own one and it has released a lot of potential in both phone and camera. Holding even a compact camera at arm’s length, reversed so you can’t see the preview screen, calls for numerous takes to get yourself centered. Operating your cell phone one-handed, in a similar fashion, results in a tangle of wrists and thumbs.

Retracted, this gadget is a convenient 9 inches but it extends to two feet and doubles as a tripod as the grip unfolds into three legs. The cell phone clasp is sturdy and the interchangeable setup comes with a standard ¼ inch screw mount to hold your camera too.

Shutter release is by a Bluetooth button in the grip and this can be removed if you want to operate it remotely. The software will trigger camera, video, time-lapse or slo-mo apps. All in all, a smart piece of kit for outdoor photography and filming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi PV,

Lovely photo of you two lovebirds! That stick makes all the difference. I've missed your excellent reviews. I agree with you, although I have not purchased one yet due to sheer forgetfulness. I just put a reminder on our fridge, front and center under a humorous magnet about chocolate.

A Gel