05 April 2020

Toiletries and Shenanigans

Susan’s bathroom routine is complex and lengthy. It involves a range of ablutions for face and body followed by a generous application of ointments and sundry unguents and balms before feeling ready to embrace the new day with confidence and a face cutely glistening with youth and vitality. My investigations have revealed where she stores her supplies and, bearing in mind she is a creature of habit and can be relied upon not to notice anything out of the ordinary - even right before her eyes – I began to hatch a rascal-ish plan...

Her final primping stage is to daub liberal globs of Nivea cream on her cheeks (the upper ones, mostly) to leave them as soft and smooth as a baby’s for everyone to admire. Susan recognises the Nivea by approximate size and shape and will reach for the tube without close inspection.

I spent a few productive minutes designing and printing a small circular label the same size and colour as the Nivea brand and composed an alternative descriptive phrase for it. After a few scissor snips and a dab of glue-stick I slid the new label into place, positioned the tube back on its shelf and stood back to admire my ingenuity! Would Susan notice? Of course not!

I perked up and listened with interest when she next visited the bathroom for a cleansing session but, as anticipated, not a chortle, not a gasp, no reaction at all! She simply came trotting back into the bedroom, cheeks aglow, and stood at the window squinting into her eyebrow mirror. When she returned to the bathroom I followed behind and tentatively enquired if she had plenty of moisturiser left.

“This is it, right?” I asked, holding up the Nivea.

“Yep, I love that stuff,” Susan smiled.

“Really, you use this on your face?” I said, faking an expression of consternation.

She leaned in and looked closer. “What the f*** is that? Have I been rubbing that on my face all this time?” Her eyes were wide, her mouth agape. “Hiney Vaginey Balm? She shouted incredulously.

I was already dashing for safety when I heard her little feet slapping fast on the floor, chasing me, bent on retribution, cheeks gleaming with Jojoba butter!

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